Independent Contractor Compliance

Reveal Talent Solutions provides Independent Contractor Compliance (ICC) reviews through its on-staff attorneys who specialize in employment and contract law.  We understand that a client’s use of independent contractors carries the potential for risk and, therefore, we are scrupulous in our review of each independent contractor’s unique circumstances. We are well-versed in the various guidelines determining whether or not a particular contractor should be classified as an employee or independent contractor, and we work with our clients to determine the proper classification for each worker.

Our Services:

  • Evaluate each independent contractor for compliance with IRS requirements and other indicators

  • Maintain independent contractor related documents in a centralized, electronic file accessible by our internal staff and the client

  • Provide site visits of independent contractor locations

  • Use our on-staff practicing attorneys to conduct a thorough investigation of each prospective independent contractor on an individual basis

  • Include attorney-led compliance reviews of all independent contractor assignments and documents to ensure continued compliance with the IRS guidelines

Ultimately, Reveal Talent Solutions ICC services allow our clients to make informed decisions about the use of independent contractors.